Whakatipu ā Tātou Māramatanga – Survey Outcome Report May 2021
by Whare Tukutuku
Whare Tukutuku is a kaupapa of Te Rau Ora (TRO) with support of the New Zealand Drug Foundation (NZDF). Our collective aim is to address some of the challenges of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) harms. Māori are at high risk of experiencing addiction-related challenges, which influences a wide range of outcomes for whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori (Huriwai & Baker, 2016). We administered a short survey at Te Pūtahitanga Annual Symposium held in Ōtepoti, Dunedin from the 8th-10th of April 2021. The survey helped to gain an insight into what Whānau Ora Workforces attending the symposium are thinking about AOD use, how they understand AOD harms and whether there is an appetite to receive training or attend wānanga. Each question presented a scale with options labeled 1-5 where participants selected if they strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, and strongly agree. The survey had three themes with a space at the end to provide comment and elaborate on their response.