Whaia te Aronga a Hine Ngā Māmā Report 2020

by B. Te Huia


In response to the rising pressure on the maternity workforce and increase demands from
Māori to have a health system that meets Te Tiriti obligations and address the unacceptable health inequities, Te Rau Ora in partnership with Ngā Maia Māori Midwives
Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Counties Manukau Health District Health Board (DHB), were
tasked by the Ministry of Health to develop the evidence base to inform health workforce
priorities. The focus of which is Māori women, babies, children, and whānau (families).
Rapua te Aronga a Hine: The Māori midwifery Workforce in Aotearoa, a Literature Review
– February 2020 (Tupara & Tahere, 2020) was the first step by the partners to establish an
evidence base that describes the Māori midwifery landscape and nuances of the

Kimihia Te Aronga a Hine Workforce Survey (Mc Klintoch, 2020), was the next step to
collect information and knowledge from the workforce industry who are task with caring
and meeting outcomes for maternal mothers, their babies, children and whānau.

Whaia Te Aronga a Hine Ngā Māma (Te Huia, 2020) and Whaia Te Aronga a
Kaiwhakawhanau Māori (Te Huia, 2020), is the final component to this four-part series. It
provides evidence with the qualitative descriptions, views, and Mātauranga (knowledge)
from Māori māma and Māori midwives who have experienced the maternity care system
in New Zealand and who also come with knowledge from the past which has shaped their
outlook of maternity care today.

The objective of Whaia te Aronga a Hine Māma is to provide a kaupapa Māori analysis
of the qualitative findings shared by Māori māma of their experience of the maternity care
workforce. In conclusion, recommendations and critical priorities for change are made.

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