Waka Hourua Māori Suicide Research Symposium 2019: Key Messages

by Kahu McClintock


Te Kiwai Rangahau is the research and evaluation unit within Te Rau Ora, focused on increasing the quality and relevance of evidence pertinent to Māori, including Research in Suicide Prevention. It is important that Māori culture and cultural mores guide intervention to enhance the ability of Waka Hourua National Māori Suicide Prevention Programme to reach Māori communities, to ensure prevention, intervention and postvention goals are culturally congruent. It is imperative that ‘culture’ is seen as the foundation, it continues in the design, development and implementation of all components of Waka Hourua. In addition, to building the evidence base of what works, what is showing promising outcomes and change amongst Māori communities.

ISBN978-1-98-850184-0 (Electronic)
CITATIONMcClintock, K. (2019). Waka Hourua Māori Suicide Research Symposium 2019: Key Messages. Te Rau Ora. Wellington