Waka Hourua, ko au, ko koe, ko tātou Māori suicide prevention community programme
by Kahu McClintock, Maria Baker, Tio Sewell, Tyler Morris & Angus Elkington
In 2014, the first dedicated national Māori Suicide prevention approach coupled with a Pasifika programme was launched, profiled as the Waka Hourua National Suicide Prevention Programme 2014 –2017 funded by the Ministry of Health. Te Rau Matatini, a national Māori non-government organisation and their Pasifika partner organisation Le Va, established and offered the programme. The “Hoea te waka: Indigenous suicide prevention outcomes framework and evaluation processes” article provides a summation of the outcomes framework and evaluation methodology utilised for the Waka Hourua National Suicide Prevention Programme 2014 -2017 with particular focus on the 47 Māori community fund projects.