Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Rongo Toi Uru Arts Collective

by Tyler Morris


This project involved a city wide poster art campaign raising awareness of suicide prevention, linking five artist’s works, Te Rongo Toi Uru Arts Collective under Matahiwi Marae with suicide prevention resources. The aim was to highlight the issues of suicide in society using artistic imagery to change people’s perception about suicide and the stigma surrounding it. The local iwi radio station supported the project where suicide prevention services were invited to share what was available to the public.Crucial to the project was the interaction between the different knowledge systems; grass roots experiences, health, mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), history and art with an anticipation that through these interactions more effective discussion could be achieved.The poster run included the artist design on one side and support networks, help-lines, web addresses and succinct statements, that gave background to the project on the other side of the art piece.

Publication Details

ISBN978-1-98-850137-6 (Electronic)
978-1-98-850138-3 (Print)
CITATIONCitation: Morris, T. (2016). Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Rongo Toi Uru Arts Collective. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini