Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Takarei Ruha Whānau Trust

by Rachel McClintock


The Takerei Ruha Whānau Trust is a whānau (family) trust. The suicide of a young whānau member in 2003 left this whānau alone, isolated, and abused by the wider whānau and community. This negative experience resulted in the whānau responding through a Whānau ora Hikoi – Whānau Ora Wānanga to strengthen whānau wellbeing.

Publication Details

ISBN978-1-877412-67-7 (Electronic)
978-1-877412-82-0 (Print)
CITATIONMcClintock, R. (2016). Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Takarei Ruha Whānau Trust.Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini.