Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Taikura Trust

by Tyler Morris


Taikura Trust provide support to disabled people under 65 years and their families and carers in the Auckland Region. They help them to understand their needs, develop plans and ensure the best support services are in place to meet those needs. They are the Auckland Region’s Needs Assessment and Service Coordination agency (NASC). They assist over 10,000 people across the region. There is little data about the experiences of disabled people regarding suicide, especially youth suicide. This provides a challenge when designing suicide prevention and post-vention services and programmes that meet the needs of young disabled people.

In recent years there have been a number of very ‘public’ suicides by young disabled people across the greater Auckland Region. This has taken a heavy toll on the disabled community. Being Māori and Pacific, and youth, adds additional complexities. With the support of Waka Hourua, Taikura Trust have obtained funding to develop suicide prevention solutions for Māori and Pacific young people, who are disabled, in collaboration with their project partners Phab, Phab Pasifika, and The Cube.

This project aligns with Goal 3 of the Waka Hourua Outcome Framework:

  • Safe, confident, and engaged Rangatahi.

Publication Details

ISBN978-1-877412-97-4 (Electronic)
978-1-877412-98-1 (Print)
CITATIONMorris, T. (2016). Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Taikura Trust. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini.