Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Kura Productions

by Kahu McClintock


Maui’s Hook was a collaboration between Paora Joseph and Kura Productions Ltd. – supported by Te Hurihanga Trust and Te Puni Kōkiri. The documentary team of Paora and Kura Productions, identified the current shortage of communication about suicide and while the limitations on screening suicide related films and television was understood, a greater need was identified which was to break down stigma through open and honest communication.

The documentary brings the families together from different regions, different tribes and experiences of suicide and utilises a wānanga approach (marae based open forum). The journey of sharing is filmed on marae (tribal centres) in the different tribal regions and as they travel together in a bus to Cape Reinga. Paora Joseph interviewed five whānau bereaved by suicide on a journey of healing from Parihaka (Taranaki) to Te Rerenga Wairua (Northland).

The documentary reveals the specific stories of suicide for each family, and provides an insight point of view, from the whānau left behind. It is challenging, sad, raw and emotional. It will raise awareness for those who may be contemplating “suicide”. It assists in providing information for those providers who support whānau. The specific focus of the documentary is on Māori male suicide.

Publication Details

ISBN978-1-98-850145-1 (Electronic), 978-1-98-850146-8 (Print)
CITATIONMcClintock, K. (2016e). Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Kura Productions. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini.