Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Gisborne Rape Crisis

by Jade Sewell


Gisborne Rape Crisis provide face to face counselling and support by qualified counsellors, for people who have experienced sexual violation either recently or historically.

Concerned that Tairāwhiti has one of the highest incidence of youth suicide in the country and that there is a lack of resources to recognise and deal with youth suicide, Gisborne Rape Crisis seeks to target parents and caregivers to provide them with the resources to recognise possible self-harm and/or suicidal ideation in their whānau.

The Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini evaluation team was commissioned to undertake a review of the Waka Hourua Fund. The focus of this specific review therefore was to assess and to determine how the Gisborne Rape Crisis’ project implementation aligns to the overall intent, and design of the Waka Hourua programme and what actually happened during project delivery.

Publication Details

ISBN978-1-877412-65-3 (Electronic)
978-1-877412-80-6 (Print)
CITATIONSewell, J. (2016). Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Gisborne Rape Crisis. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatin