Te Mana o te Kupu – Māori Alcohol & Other Drug
How Words Influence Outcomes
The ingoa of this report, Te Mana o te Kupu, refers to the importance of language and the impact words
can have on people. Whare Tukutuku kaumātua, Koro Hata Temo, talks about the importance of mana, …your mana is important, it is essential, and people are no good without it…
Discrimination and stigmatising language deprive a person of their mana, and when mana is returned to
them, they begin to heal (Koro Hata Temo, 2022). Te Mana o te Kupu, will raise awareness of the stigma
and racism whānau and kaimahi experience within the AOD space, challenging ignorance and societal
barriers created through a lack of awareness and understanding around people who experience challenges with AOD.
The aim of this report is to scope and analyse how stigma, racism, and discrimination is present within
the AOD space. It will explore definitions of discrimination, stigma, and racism – what types and forms are
prevalent and how they manifest within society in relation to AOD. The findings from this report will help
to inform future Whare Tukutuku initiatives, including:
- Developing educational tools that can be used by whānau Māori and the workforce – building on previous and current initiatives.
- Delivery of public awareness campaigns that utilise Whare Tukutuku and Te Rau Ora media networks to promote messages.
- Extending the scope of the research to include interviews, videos, and website content