Te Hau Mārire: Addiction Workforce Strategic Framework

by Te Rau Matatini


Te Hau Mārire is written for the Ministry of Health (including Health Workforce New Zealand) on behalf of the addiction treatment sector and the community. It is particularly relevant for the mental health and addiction workforce centres as well as district health boards and those engaged in growing the capacity and capability of the workforces working with addiction-related harm. Literally, Te Hau Mārire means ‘the sigh of acceptance’.

This strategic framework acknowledges that the work to grow the capability of the addiction workforce to work effectively with Māori experiencing addiction-related harm has been somewhat piecemeal: a line in policy here, an activity or initiative there. Although the need for change is evident, much has had to happen ‘under the radar’ as ‘old ways’ hold sway. Māori addiction workforce and service development and even Māori responsiveness continue to be seen as a ‘nice to have’ rather than a ‘must have’.Te Hau Mārire means ‘the sigh of acceptance’, but not necessarily of the status quo. The strategy accepts that no longer is policy stasis or small incremental change good enough to address vertical inequity. Bold action and courage must be the order of the day with expectations of constant, transformational change in the workforce and in service delivery. Te Hau Mārire articulates a future vision and identifies leverage points and activities to create greater momentum for that change – an accelerated transformation approach.

The Ministry of Health has asked the workforce centres and the addiction treatment sector what will be different tomorrow for Māori experiencing addiction-related harm. Te Hau Mārire outlines ‘what’ and ‘how’. This strategy describes an approach to draw on mātauranga Māori to influence and reshape current individually focused, deficit oriented practice to create a whānau-centred workforce in the right place, at the right time to minimise addiction-related harm for Māori and contribute to whānau thriving and flourishing.

Publication Information

ISBN 978-1-877412-17-2
CITATIONTe Rau Matatini (2015). Te Hau Mārire: Addiction Workforce Strategic Framework for people working with Māori experiencing addiction-related harm (2015–2025). Wellington: Te Rau Matatini.