In 2022, Te Rau Ora celebrates their 20-year anniversary and hosts the Toitū Hauora with the theme Titiro ki muri, haere atu ki mua’ – Our past and future are intertwined’.

Toitū Hauora 2022 took place online and saw innovation, collaborative Māori leadership, shared knowledge, Mātauranga Māori and Te Ao Māori seamlessly interwoven. The platform hosted a range of speakers who encompassed the impact of shared experience, kōrero and connection across Aotearoa. The online platform has allowed all speakers to be viewed and heard as it removed the barriers of geographical location. It provided a way for kōrero and voice to be captured, recorded and viewed according to a person’s schedule.

The opening address by Ta Mason provided a refreshing narrative of Māori health history that focused on the collective history of Māori health achievements and how these contributed to the wellbeing of whānau throughout all of Aotearoa. Ta Mason outlined ten key themes that have resonated for us historically;

  1. Mauri ora – Health and Wellbeing
  2. Mātauranga Māori – Māori models for health
  3. Tikanaga ā Ranagau – Māori methodologies
  4. Oranga Whānau – Whānau at the centre
  5. Rātonga Māori – Kaupapa Māori Services
  6. Rangatiratanga – Iwi, Māori leadership
  7. Tangata Kainga – Community Focus
  8. Whakatutki – Our Workforce
  9. Hurihanga – Innovation and Inspiration
  10. A Pae Tāwhiti – A future lens

Additionally, Ta Mason Durie identified five key foundations that have contributed to the successes identified within our history.

These included:

  • Health and Wellbeing for all our people
  • Our own systems and knowledge and understanding
  • Our whānau at the centre
  • Our skilled frontline teams
  • Our linked-up leadership among health, social development, and economic sectors

The 15 points identified by Tā Mason, have been recurring keynotes in the presentations of the Māori Health Leaders invited to speak during these four weeks of Toitū Hauora 2022.

To watch Tā Mason’s presentation:

2 Cameron Street, Kaiwharawhara

+64 4 473 9591 or 0800 628 284

About Us

To improve Māori Health through leadership, education, research and evaluation, health workforce development and innovative, systemic transformation. We strengthen Māori health and wellbeing through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.