Rangatahi Resources

“Ka Pu te Ruha – Ka Hao te Rangatahi”

When the old net is cast aside, the new net goes fishing. This proverbial saying refers to the younger generation taking up the reigns left by their elders.

Rauemi Hauora

Explore our rauemi hauora created by our rangatahi and health professionals at Te Rau Ora.

See You Tomorrow Eh!

See You Tomorrow Eh! is a resource to support members of the public, including rangatahi Māori, to provide general help to people who may be at risk of suicide.


TechTikanga aims to inform rangatahi and whānau to take caution with who to talk to and what to send on social media. ‘Would you send it to your Nanny?’ is a light-hearted concept Rangatahi Ora Team believe most rangatahi Māori would relate to and encourage viewers to think about how they are using social media and technology. As social media is highly used amongst rangatahi, the video is a reminder to take cyber safety seriously, and to make the right choices when online to ensure your own personal safety.

AKT – Awhi, Kōrero, Tautoko

Our AKT card provides rangatahi with simple steps they can use to support a friend or their whānau who they might be worried about. By following these simple steps – Awhi, Kōrero, Tautoko, rangatahi can show they care.

Suicide Prevention Videos

In collaboration with Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Rau Ora ( formerly Te Rau Matatini) created rangatahi Māori suicide prevention videos. The purpose of the videos is to empower rangatahi Māori, raise awareness of having safe kōrero around suicide, and not being afraid to ask for help.

For more information

2 Cameron Street, Kaiwharawhara

+64 4 473 9591 or 0800 628 284


About Us

To improve Māori Health through leadership, education, research and evaluation, health workforce development and innovative, systemic transformation. We strengthen Māori health and wellbeing through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.