Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti

Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti is a brief and early intervention framework intended as a guide for practitioners who work in a range of settings from Whanau Ora, primary health, and health and social services. It’s particularly helpful for practitioners who want to learn how to work with those who come to you for alcohol and other drug concerns, and mild to moderate mental health concerns.

This can involve practitioners from a range of professions and organisations within the primary health sector including (but not limited to): Whanau Ora navigators; Drug and Alcohol Practitioners; Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPS); Health coaches; Awhi Ora support workers; Community Health Workers; Nurses; midwives and social workers.

Whare Tukutuku has dedicated trainers from within the Mental Health and Addictions sectors to deliver Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti in a way that meets the specific needs or focus of services (Mental health and/or addictions).

Te Rau Ora has dedicated trainers from within the Mental Health and Addictions sectors to deliver Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti in a way that meets the specific needs or focus of services (Mental health and/or addictions). Ahakoa, our focus is on mauri ora in both contexts.

Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti has eight core features:

  1. It is founded on principles of Matauranga Maori; and acknowledges the mana and rangatiratanga of Maori as individuals and members of whanau, hapu and iwi.
  2. It is an indigenous trauma informed approach.
  3. Is focused on reducing barriers to mauri ora and supporting Tangata whaiora through korero, wananga and self help resources.
  4. It is focused on reducing the harm of alcohol and other drugs on whanau, hapu and iwi;
  5. It was developed for the addictions sector, with support from Maori clinical psychologists; however, it can also be used to address physical health concerns and mild, to moderate, mental health concerns;
  6. It is facilitated through Maori principles, motivational interviewing and values-based therapy;
  7. It also aligns with established brief intervention frameworks as part of this Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti also incorporates self-help material, resources and activities that align with a low intensity therapy approach.
  8. It is an early intervention model that can be delivered between 1 and 6 sessions, while the TAWHITI principles can be used to guide a more comprehensive intervention.

Training in the Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti involves the commitment of:

  1. An online self-directed learning module focused on Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti, incorporating working through the manual and watching videos outlining the theory, background and demonstration of the framework (pre-workshop; total of 8 hrs);
  2. Attending a one day in person skills workshop;
    Completing a an online self-directed learning module focused on Motivational Interviewing (total of 8 hrs)
  3. Participating in monthly online 1.5 hr live skills sessions.

Participants receive a Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti manual including information about Māori perspectives and models of wellbeing; mental health, alcohol and other drugs and; those successfully completing the training will gain access to a website with further resources and tools to support practice; and be eligible for an NZQA level 5, 5 credit micro credential ‘Apply Māori principles and practice within early and brief interventions for mental health and addictions’.

For more information contact:

2 Cameron Street, Kaiwharawhara

+64 4 473 9591 or 0800 628 284

About Us

To improve Māori Health through leadership, education, research and evaluation, health workforce development and innovative, systemic transformation. We strengthen Māori health and wellbeing through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.