Māori Suicide Prevention Research, Policy & Practice
by K Lawson-Te Aho & K McClintock
This report includes the verbatim reports of the speakers, symposium participants and those working in Māori suicide prevention and postvention. This report identifies key issues through the voices and words of Māori Treaty and social justice advocates, academics, service providers, policy writers, researchers and those on the receiving end of current suicide prevention and postvention strategy design. The overarching theme of the symposium is about righting the responses to Māori suicide prevention and postvention through actions anchored in self-determination and the establishment of by Māori for Māori responses at all levels of engagement and leadership. This report is not a Government policy statement on Māori suicide prevention and postvention. Rather, it is derived from the challenges, issues and concerns of whānau, hapū, iwi, hāpori and tangata Māori and Pākehā colleagues who attended the one-day summer school symposium.
Publication Details
ISBN | ISBN: 978-0-473-53502-5 Electronic |
CITATION | Lawson-Te Aho, K, & McClintock,K. (2020). Māori Suicide Prevention Research, Policy & Practice. University of Otago & Te Rau Ora. |