He Manaaki Tangata: Tikanga Informed Guideline Adapted for Mental Health Services, and Acute Mental Health Units

by Te Rau Matatini


This tikanga informed practice guideline has been adapted to guide health professionals employed within mental health services.  Targeted toward health professional practice when supporting Māori tangata whaiora and their whānau in mental health services, and especially so in the acute mental health unit.  Founded on Māori values and practices, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, as well as knowledge of the mental health sector, the aim of this guideline is to enhance the experience of Māori by ensuring culturally safe practice in mainstream mental health services.

Publishing Information

CITATIONTe Rau Matatini. (unknown). He Manaaki Tangata: Tikanga Informed Guideline Adapted for Mental Health Services, and Acute Mental Health Units