Te Whānau Rangimarie

Māori Provider Description

“Ko te Whānau te mea nui, me awhi, me tautoko”

“Families are paramount, we will embrace and support them”

“Me mahi whakakotahi, mo te ora, me whakaruruhau, o te Whānau”
“Working together, for the safety and wellbeing of all people”

The purpose of the Trust is to:

provide social, economic, education, and health support services from a Tikanga Māori philosophy for persons that require advocacy and support and may be at risk of harm or harming and/or at risk of homelessness or are homeless;
provide services and courses aimed at supporting individual and Whānau plans toward positive life changes;
provide social, emergency, transitional and/or affordable housing and related services to meet the needs of the community;
ensure services offer a whole of Whānau approach that is child-focused and addresses the holistic needs of the Whānau;
promote ongoing support of professional development for staff to work in a culturally appropriate manner according to kaupapa Māori;
to seek, accept and receive donations, subsidies, grants, endowments, gifts, legacies, loans, bequests in order to maintain the above aims, goals and objectives; and
provide other support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.

To achieve the purpose of the Trust, a variety of education courses are provided internally and partnerships are formed with external providers for specialist services outside of our scope.
The Trust also offers an emergency transitional housing service as well as a Women’s safe house.
In addition, social work advocacy and support services are provided by the Trust to support with improving the overall safety and well-being of individuals and families.

Contact Information
How do I access this service?
Ages Serviced
Child/Tamariki, Youth/Rangatahi, Adult/Pakeke