Te Waipuna Puawai, ELLERSLIE

Māori Provider Description

Te Waipuna Puawai Mercy Oasis Ltd is a thriving community development initiative of the Sisters of Mercy New Zealand. We were established in 1999, building on a decade of highly respected community development work in Glen Innes.

We are committed to working with and alongside women, children, and families who are in need. We aim to improve lives of families by providing family support services and adult education.

We build supportive relationships with Whānau by connecting them with others in the local community and developing a pathway to achieve and celebrate their goals.

Our Vision

Whakamana te oranga wairua o te tangata me te whenua

Wellbeing for our communities and restoration of the earth

Our Mission

Kia u ki te mahi kotahi whakarawea te mana wahine, te mana Whānau me te mana iwi Whānui

Working together to strengthen women, strengthen families and strengthen community

Te Waipuna Puawai weaves together three important strands to create our approach:

Papatuanuku – a strong commitment to fostering earth awareness and responding to the call to heal the environment.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi – our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and to working in ways that work for Māori Whānau and communities.
Tikanga Atawhai – the practice of Mercy values.

Services and programmes

Counselling support to assist local Whānau to have their needs met and reach their goals
Community Education Courses, including Gardening, Reiki, Capacitar and Te Reo Māori
HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents & Youngsters) – helping parents to prepare 3 1/2 – 4 1/2-year-old children for school
HEART (Healthy Relationships in Tāmaki) Movement, including: Mana Wahine week, Koru Groups, HEART Network and training
Notes: Whilst our services are free, please note that a koha may apply for adult education courses and HIPPY

Our approach is community-based, accessible, and Whānau-centered. We adopt a wraparound, holistic, stepping-stone approach, with quality service and a hospitable and peaceful learning environment.

Contact Information
How do I access this service?
Local Community Groups, Website/App
Ages Serviced
Child/Tamariki, Youth/Rangatahi, Adult/Pakeke