Nau mai haere mai whaka taumai ki te Whānau o Te Roopu Tautoko Ki Te Tonga Inc.
We are a community-based health and social service provider, embracing the philosophy and values of tikanga Māori to strengthen and empower Whānau within our community by offering a range of courses and programmes.
The strategy behind our service delivery is to encourage and support individuals to take positive control of their destiny.
We implement the philosophies and values of:
Mana Atua – spiritual concepts
Mana Tangata – peoples’ concepts
Mana Whenua – resource concepts
into our work practice. We embrace and employ these concepts to address, promote and support the holistic wellbeing of individuals and their Whānau. At times we utilise the services of spiritual healers, Kuia and Koroua.
UsiNgāti kanga practices has the potential to bring mental, spiritual and physical well-being to people.
Te Roopu Tautoko Ki Te Tonga Inc. acknowledges and upholds the belief systems of Tangata Whenua which is in line with other indigenous peoples throughout the world.
Acknowledgment is given to the Treaty of Waitangi honouring the place of Tupuna and Atua.