Te Puna Ora o Mataatua provides a range of integrated health, medical, social and employment services with a Whānau ora model of care.
From pepi to Kaumātua—all services are based on a Whānau ora approach to well-being. We deliver to all communities.
We are a charitable trust that covers the Mataatua/Eastern Bay of Plenty region and beyond.
Our services cover:
General Medical including:
Med Central GP Clinic
ACC – supporting clients and Whānau to live at home after an accident/injury or for long-term conditions or disabilities
Tamariki & Rangatahi including:
Rangatahi Hub – integrated wrap-around service for rangatahi/youth who are between 16-24 years of age
Counselling – mental health, alcohol and drugs, trauma and resilience counselling services
Mama and PÄ“pi – working with mama of all ages to support them and their pÄ“pi up to 2 years of age
Driving Academy – a range of learning to drive courses
Healthy Lifestyles – programme for tamariki and rangatahi that want a more healthy, nutritious and active lifestyle
Nutrition – working with Whānau and rangatahi to support them in making good kai choices
Whānau including:
Whānau Ora – providing Whānau Ora services across WhakatÄne
Housing Services – providing a range of housing services including critical repairs to Māori owned homes on Māori owned land, and planning for homeownership workshops
Counselling – mental health, alcohol and drugs, trauma and resilience counselling services
Health Promotion – providing Whānau Ora community health education
Medical Academy – training people to work in the healthcare sector with a wraparound Whānau ora approach
Kai programme – providing emergency food parcels and working on long term sustainability and accessibility of kai
Kaumātua including:
Kui and Koroua services – events and day programmes for our Kaumātua
Home-based support – delivering home-based support services to Kaumātua across Mataatua/Eastern Bay of Plenty
Dementia – resources to learn about symptoms, treatment and prevention of dementia
Innovation including:
Research – Health and Populations Research Institute
Integration – Recipient of the Te Ao Auahatanga Hauora Māori Innovation Fund 2019-2022
Sponsorship – sponsoring individuals, groups and marae for initiatives that support the health and wellbeing of Mataatua