Tauranga Women's Refuge & Support Services

Māori Provider Description

All women and children have the fundamental right to live free from fear and violence.

If you or someone you know is experiencing Domestic Violence (Physical, Psychological or Emotional) we can help.

Our support services include:

Crisis Helpline (0800 867 338)
24 hour – 7 days a week crisis phone line for women needing advocacy, information and support as a result of domestic violence in the home and/or community.

Safe House
24 hour 7 days a week temporary safe house shelter for women and their children requiring safety and support as a result of immediate and imminent safety concerns due to domestic violence in the home and/or community.

Community Services
We’re not just a safe house, we offer wrap-around safety support through other services to get you the best help to live free of domestic violence and keep you and your children safe.

This includes providing advocacy, information, support, programs and referrals to other organisations that can help you (e.g. Lawyers, Doctors, Hospital, Police, Work Income New Zealand, Family Court, Employers etc).

Contact Information
Services Provided
How do I access this service?
Ages Serviced
Child/Tamariki, Youth/Rangatahi, Adult/Pakeke