Raukawa Whānau Ora supports the well-being of Māori through kaupapa-based health, social and education services.
Raukawa Whānau Ora Health Services is a kaupapa Māori Iwi Health Provider. Hauora service delivery is for all. Service delivery is mobile to your home, marae or community venue or at one of the base clinics. Hauora services include Tamariki Ora Well Child Services, Alcohol & Drug Support, Long Term Condition Nurses, Māori Disability Support and more.
Toiora Whānau is an iwi-based social service that promotes the well-being of Whānau, hapu and iwi. We believe that Whānau is an integral support system and Toiora Whānau offers assistance in empowering Whānau through child based Whānau support services and education programmes.
Cancer Control Co-ordinator
Our kaupapa is to support improved access to services along the continuum of care for clients and their Whānau affected by cancer.
He Hikinga Manawa Services supports childhood education.