Mōkai Pātea Services - Whānau Ora Unit

Māori Provider Description

Mōkai Pātea Services is the mandated development vehicle for Whānau/hapu and marae groups of the four Iwi who hold mana whenua over the rohe.

Mōkai Pātea Services provides support for Whānau at risk of breakdown through crisis or change support, referrals, education, health promotion, prevention and advice.

We aim to achieve autonomy and self-determination for Whānau and Hapu based upon the customary values and beliefs of their respective Tupuna

The Whānau Ora Unit can also provide support to manage other issues such as asthma, diabetes, nutrition, hearing, tamariki ora/well-child and more.

Contact Information
Services Provided
How do I access this service?
DHB clinical services, GP
Ages Serviced
Child/Tamariki, Youth/Rangatahi, Adult/Pakeke