Chris Webber
Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Raukawa Ki Te Tonga, Te Āti Awa
Board of Directors
Ko Kāpiti te motu,
Raukawa te moana,
Ati Awa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toarangatira (ART) ngā iwi,
Wi Parata Te Kakakura te tangata.
I hail from the Kāpiti Coast, a descendant of Te Rangihiroa who signed Te Tiriti there in 1840 – married into Te Arawa with four grown next generation ninjas. I have a background in Māori public health, education, journalism and policy with a passion for music and healing – it’s all about the vibes.
I’ve journeyed with Te Rau Ora since the early days as Te Rau Matatini, developing Māori health workforce. It continues to hold space for great things to happen in advancing Māori health kaupapa which is where my commitment lies.
Te Rau Ora is inspiring because it is a waka that is able to navigate changing tides and conditions with a crew on board committed to reaching the destinations available to us with the right resource and strategies. As an Organisation and Board, we are able to uphold, normalise and excel in kaupapa Māori within the various pieces of work and contribute to the advancement of Māori health and wellbeing.
The next 20 years at Te Rau Ora will see our waka continue to navigate the changing tides and new challenges, finding safe passage and destinations for those on board to follow. A new generation of Māori explorers finding new sites of development and ways for the people to flourish in the changing world we know.