Celebrating 20 Years: Centre of Māori Suicide Prevention

The Centre of Māori Suicide Prevention offers a range of kaupapa to promote wellbeing for Māori whānau to address the issue of suicide within communities throughout Aotearoa. The Centre fosters local leadership, building our young people, communities and whānau capacity to enhance their own wellbeing.

For Māori, the reasons for suicide are many and varied. Te Rau Ora advocates whānau and community driven approaches to prevent suicide, that take into account the economic, physical and cultural aspects of health.

In raising awareness about suicide and its prevention, Te Rau Ora’s focus is to identify certain determinants, making sure these are recognised and acted on. Building the capacity of Māori whānau and communities to self-advocate and maintain wellness is a key aspect of this approach.

For more information visit https://centreofmaorisuicideprevention.com/