Celebrating 22 Years of service to our communities

Tēnā tātou katoa, As we celebrate our 22nd Anniversary, Te Rau Ora reflects on two decades of dedication to the betterment of Māori health. Throughout our journey, we’ve stood firm for Māori, challenging norms to envision a world where our people flourish. Now, we embark on a new chapter, brimming with potential – one of …

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Launch of Ki te Ara Whakamua: Māori Community Action to reduce AOD harm

A community action fund to help support Māori solutions to reduce AOD harm was launched today. The Fund will be administered by national Māori Workforce Development organisation Te Rau Ora in partnership with Te Aka Whai Ora. The Māori Community Action Fund is a one-off contestable fund established to support Māori-led solutions to reduce AOD harm.  The …

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Tauaki Te Tū – Whānau-led AOD solutions in Te Teko

In 2021, Sandralee Harata-Chase and her whānau were concerned about the growing negative impact of methamphetamine on whānau, hapū and iwi in Te Teko. Determined to bring about oranga, they sought ways to heal, educate and support their whānau who were directly and indirectly affected by methamphetamine. Connecting to Te Ao Māori In April that …

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The power of community collaboration to reduce Alcohol and Drug harm.

Manaaki Tairāwhiti is a unique regional-led response Manaaki Tairāwhiti is a unique regional-led response that brings together local iwi and leaders across the whole social sector within Tairāwhiti to collaborate and work together to change the system. Their vision is “E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti. All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing”. Their …

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