Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau
Description In 2010/2011 Kawerau was a community in crises as a result of a series of 13 suicides during that year. Since then Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Health Education and Social Services (Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau) has been the lead organisation overseeing the development and implementation of the Kawerau Suicide Prevention Action Plan (KSPAP). The core goals …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
Description Tū Tama Wāhine O Taranaki (TTW) is a, kaupapa Māori, health and social service across the Taranaki region, established in 1989 and incorporated in 1994 to deliver Suicide prevention and intervention through a collaborative project between Tū Tama Wāhine (TTW), the Taranaki Pasifika Services Trust (TPST) and Te Kotahi Research Institute, (TKRI) (collectively referred …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Waimana Kaaku Trust
Description Te Waimana Kaaku Trust is one of four tribal authorites within the rohe o Tūhoe Potiki, under Te Uru Taumata. Te Waimana Kaaku encompaces 12 marae and nine hapū along the awa o Tauranga (Tauranga river) within the Waimana tribal area. Te Waimama is a rural community situated in the Whakatane District. Te Waimana …
Waka Hourua Community Initiaitive: Te Waiariki Purea Trust
Description Te Waiariki Purea Charitable Trust (TWPT) is an organisation that services the Rotorua, Taupō, Turangi and Murupara areas. With a passion for working with rangatahi (youth) and their families TWPT affiliates with many national youth initiatives. This includes the Whānau Ora Collective, Strengthening Families, Youth Service, and Rotorua Safer Families. “The trust is about …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Taitimu Trust
Description Established in 2007, Te Taitimu Trust has a vision to turn the tide of negative Māori health disparities by motivating rangatahi and whānau to navigate their respective waka towards realising positive notions of Whānau Ora. The Trust does this through the organisation and planning of structured wānanga, facilitated activities, networking and whakawhanaungatanga. The organisation …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Roopu Tautoko ki Te Tonga Incorporated
Description The Otago region has a high proportion of youth and many students attending Otago University. The national Māori population has increased by 30% in the last 15 years and of this total there are 73, 230 living in the South Island, which is an increase of 13% since the 2006 census. The average annual …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Rongo Toi Uru Arts Collective
Description This project involved a city wide poster art campaign raising awareness of suicide prevention, linking five artist’s works, Te Rongo Toi Uru Arts Collective under Matahiwi Marae with suicide prevention resources. The aim was to highlight the issues of suicide in society using artistic imagery to change people’s perception about suicide and the stigma …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Manu Toroa
Description Mai I Ngā Kuri a Wharei ki te Waitaha nui a Hei Te Manu Toroa (TMT) is a provider of Kaupapa Māori health services in the Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Katikati and Te Puke rohe. First establish in 1997 as the Western Bay Health, Te Manu Toroa provides a wide array of services from nine …
Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Kupenga Net Trust
Description Te Kupenga Net Trust is a mental health and addiction advocacy and peer support service that is based in Gisborne. The main role of the organisation is to let people know what assistance is available to them when impacted by mental illness and addiction. In support of their advocacy and peer support role, education …